Intelligent Care Journeys: Your Key to Value-Based Care Success

In the era of value-based care, the ability to identify risks precisely and implement the right interventions is paramount. Intelligent Care Journeys is your key to unlocking the full potential of VBC. It empowers risk-bearing providers and health plans with the insights needed to focus their efforts on the interventions that will have the highest impact on preventable care costs.

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Why choose Intelligent Care Journeys for VBC?

Identify Patients
with the greatest potential impact
Predictive care gaps
to drive targeted care
Reduce costs
through vastly improved outcomes
Value-based care requires a strategic, targeted approach to risk management. Traditional methods focus solely on currently expensive populations, overlooking future high-cost patients. Intelligent Care Journeys addresses this gap.

Our AI-powered population health solutions proactively identify and manage patients at risk, providing actionable insights with predictive care gaps. It's efficient care delivery that reduces the total cost of care, and ultimately enhances your VBC success.

For Risk-Bearing Providers Embracing VBC

We work with risk-bearing providers to enhance population health strategies with analytics for superior care delivery. Intelligent Care Journeys, with its predictive power, paves the way for VBC success. It identifies and prioritizes patients with preventable risk, so providers can take proactive steps to manage patients with avoidable care costs before their conditions worsen, aligning perfectly with the proactive, patient-centered focus of VBC.

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For Health Plans Driving VBC

Diagnostic Robotics seamlessly integrates into health plans' care management workflows, so they can distribute quality insights to in-network providers. This helps drive a successful shift towards VBC by identifying impactable members, providing actionable insights to engage with members, and preventing chronic condition exacerbation.

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Our customers see increased value in their VBC program performance through:

Improved health outcomes24.9% reduction in AED event rate, with 2x reduction in inpatient visits

Significant reductions in cost of care$1,600 PMPM reduction per engaged member

Improved ROI2.9x ROI

Diagnostic Robotics’ “create action-oriented, data-informed care management workflows” that “discover optimal clinical pathways.” - Executive at Top 5 National Plan

ER visits
EMR records
vast library of models

There is “a measurable benefit to engaging members using the method provided by Diagnostic Robotics Population Health solutions.” - Top Executive at a Regional Blues Plan

Making Care Management Work Better

“Diagnostic Robotics has proven to be a strategic partner in helping Essen Health Care on our journey with Value Based Care. Their focus on delivering value is evident in their willingness to meet with diverse stakeholder groups, the management dashboards they've designed, and their deep insights into our VBC performance metrics and potentials. By equipping us with the visibility and insights we need, Diagnostic Robotics is shaping up to be a cornerstone in Essen’s VBC success."

Dr. Sumir Sahgal, Founder and CMO, Essen Health Care

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Lower Care Costs and Improve Outcomes with Intelligent Care Journeys

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